Career opportunities

You can make up to $1,000,000 per year simply by using this site. (Sounds hokey, right? It's not.) You can also earn income by working with us as an account manager who introduces our site to people and businesses who could benefit from using it.

To get started, first read our applications and FAQ pages. Once you do that, you will realize that almost every person, business, group, and organization could benefit from using, and you're bound to think of countless new applications. Next, begin using this site to familiarize yourself with the power we give to our users, some of which may not be immediately apparent.

Once you have a good idea of what this site can do, contact us to obtain the account code that enables us to equitably compensate you—in other words, pay you what you're worth.

Working with us has several great benefits:

  • We offer flexible work hours and conditions. You can work as much or as little as you want, whenever you want, in the way that is best suited for you. If you are not a people person, or are homebound because of children or a disability, you can work from home. If you enjoy interacting with others in the real world instead of via the Internet, you can capitalize on your personal magnetism and turn your pizzazz into cash.
  • Our service is free, so you don't need to do any selling as an account manager; you simply need to explain to people how can benefit them.
  • Once you refer a person (or business, organization, or group) who creates an account with us, you can derive residual income from that account for the rest of your life. Unlike most things that sound too good to be true, this one is not. It may take you five minutes or less to introduce our site to a new user, but you can receive income from that account for decades into the future, even if you never see that person again.
  • As an account manager, you will be an independent contractor. Depending on where you live, that often means that you can deduct business expenses, such as your computer and Internet access fees, and thus pay less in taxes.

To maximize your income, you need to work smart, not necessarily more. Think about this: you could make a video explaining the benefits of, post it on YouTube, and constantly derive money from it as people watch that video for years to come and thereafter create accounts with us.

If you are an attractive woman, virtually every man with a pulse will pay rapt attention to you. That's why pharmaceutical companies have been so successful in hiring beautiful women, especially ex-cheerleaders (yes, really), to work for them as drug reps. The creator of this site is a doctor who graduated in the top 1% of his class in medical school after spending years working 110 hours per week reading countless 2000-page books crammed with medical info. Do you think he needs to be educated by an ex-cheerleader with a baccalaureate who spent more time partying than studying? Obviously not. Yet he patiently listened to their spiels. If you are a beautiful woman, men will listen to you.

If you are attractive, a celebrity, or anyone else who sparks an interest in others, why have people follow you on Twitter? You could register yourself as a topic and have people follow you on this site. By doing that, you can earn up to $1,000,000 per year just by using this site, and even more as an account rep. Think about it: the tools we give to all users enabling them to track updates or additions to info can also be used to communicate the benefits of this site to your audience.

Another way to make money

Remember the Segway? For months before it was released, and even before we knew what it did, it was hyped as the Next Big Thing that would revolutionize the world. After the high-tech scooter was unveiled, the world yawned and ignored it.

While we are cognizant of the risk in overblown proclamations, we promise you this: we do have the Next Big Thing, and it will revolutionize the world. We are currently developing a device that will make you wonder if you've been teleported a century into the future. Virtually everyone will not just want one, but crave one. The demand for this product will be so great that it alone could go a long way toward revitalizing the American economy. It's primary function (what it does) will amaze you, and its secondary benefits will transform your life, giving you more free time, better health, and years of pleasure.

If you want to join us, you will work on a project that is not only highly innovative and exciting, but something that could make you fabulously wealthy. Interested? Contact us and impress us with your brilliance—or beauty. We're looking for computer programmers, engineers, machinists, influential bloggers, and even models. Although the product will sell itself, we still need people to appear in ads for it. We're also looking for anyone with a great mind. You?

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